
Archive for May, 2011

I’m Kipp Ryodo Hawley, teacher at Zen Center of Los Angeles and the Westchester Zen Circle. For almost a decade I’ve been exploring a way to turn what I’ve learned in Zen into a practical method of mindfulness that can be used by everyone, meditators and non-meditators alike.

It began as a workshop called “Three Steps to Enlightenment” (a purposely provocative title), which presented a new way to view our states of mind and consciously move through them rather than be unconsciously driven. I eventually realized that the method really is a mindfulness practice, and renamed the workshop “Three Steps to Mindfulness”.

So, what makes this “Zen” mindfulness? In short, it has the transcendence of Zen as its foundation, and the method helps us find that transcendent realm and dynamically integrate it into our daily life.

I see mindfulness as a key ingredient in resolving our problems because it fundamentally changes the way we relate to ourselves, each other and our environment. So, the more people practice it the better off we’ll all be. I’m starting this blog to increase awareness of mindfulness, and I hope it will be both useful and fun for you.

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